Wednesday, March 31, 2010
I'VE GOT 48 PEZs! Yaaay
I have mickeymouse and friends, bob the builder and friends, jack sparrow and I don't know his name (orlando bloom), miss piggy and many more!
I'll upload the pictures soon! Haha not important! Because I just dunno what to say! Haha gazoel eh gahoelz dunno hha
Adoou maaf geje ya oke
I'VE GOT 48 PEZs! Yaaay
I have mickeymouse and friends, bob the builder and friends, jack sparrow and I don't know his name (orlando bloom), miss piggy and many more!
I'll upload the pictures soon! Haha not important! Because I just dunno what to say! Haha gazoel eh gahoelz dunno hha
Adoou maaf geje ya oke
Understorm:dibawah baday / DIBAWAH PIMPINAN BADAY oh such a freakingood name right? HAUHAU
Aduh maaf ya kalo inggrisnya salah atau gimana haha habis gue udah ngantuk terus ngga bisa tidur terus ngga bisa mikir haha (alasan) oho
Sweet dream sleep well
Monday, March 29, 2010
johnny depp
Johnny Depp, born in Kentucky on June 9th 1963 has followed a bizarre road, consequently landing him as one of today's top Hollywood actors. Born John Christopher Depp II, young Depp was originally interested in pursuing a music career. Following a move to Florida, and his parents divorce by age 16, Depp strayed from his peers and siblings and reclused within a life of drugs and alcohol. Teenage Depp dropped out of school to pursue a career in rock and roll music. Over the next few years, Depp fronted numerous garage bands - the most famous entitled The Kids, opened for Iggy Pop. Perhaps more importantly, the success of The Kids furnished Depp with a rising sense of popularity and accomplishment - ironically shot down by Iggy Pop himself during a back-stage confrontation.
Determination and hope for stardom inspired the band to relocate to Los Angeles. Depp married by age 20 to Lori Allison, the band's make-up artist. As his band struggled among the competitive West-coast market, Depp (under suggestion from his wife) decided to try acting. An introduction to Nicolas Cage reluctantly persuaded Depp to audition. Depp's first film debut was in Wes Craven's major motion picture A Nightmare On Elm Street (1984). Unable to regain momentum, The Kids spilt-up soon after the movie's release and Depp diverged from his first love, music, to follow a life of acting. A small role in Platoon (1986) by Oliver Stone followed. Unwilling at first, Fox pursued Depp to star in a new series entitled 21, Jump Street. Although Depp felt this show "beneath him," it actually catapulted his success as an actor and turned him into a teenybopper idol.
His next unanimously appraised piece was Edward Scissorhands (1990) - thought by Depp to downplay his unwanted pretty-boy reputation. The success of this movie established his well known choice for odd and unusual roles - essentially carving a niche for himself as a serious and somewhat dark performer who always surprises audiences with his choice of roles.
His divorce from Lori Allison catalyzed engagements to multiple love interests including Sherilyn Fenn and Jennifer Gray. His decision to take the role in Edward Scissorhands led to the start of a relationship with his then costar Winona Ryder. Depp described her as "the one," despite their break up three years later.
Next came an extraordinary run of movie roles for Depp. Within five years, starting in 1993, Depp starred in an array of movies including: What's Eating Gilbert Grape, Benny and Joon, Arizona Dreaming, Nick of Time, and Jim Jarmusch's Dead Man. It was during this time of stressful success that Depp began to relapse. Again, an unhappy Depp began using drugs and alcohol to escape from reality. Stuck in the depths of disillusion, troubled Depp started an on-off relationship with supermodel Kate Moss (1996); almost simultaneously being arrested twice for both trashing his NY hotel room and fighting a member of the paparazzi (1999). Although his life was in and out of shambles, on screen Depp continued to establish himself as an incredible actor.
In 1998, Depp split with supermodel Kate Moss and started a relationship with French singer Venessa Paradis, relocating to Paris with his two children (Lily-Rose and Jack) in hope to pursue a more normal life. Ironically, the next role he played was perhaps one of the farthest from normal - He was cast as Hunter S. Thompson in Terry Gilliam's Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. Work opportunities continued and Depp continued acting, starring in such films as: The Source, The 9th Gate (shot in Paris where he met Paradis), Tim Burton's Sleepy Hollow, and the Oscar nominated Chocolat; all the while, Depp managed to continue his musical interests by appearing in an array of music videos (including Tom Petty's "The Great Wide Open"), producing music with his band P, and directing several videos for his wife (2001).
5 things i really want now
kiss pez
oooo gooosh really want that thing! but the problem is GUE NGGA TAU BELI DIMANA -__-
laav it
love the maggie one (Y)
need that
and the last but not least!
geellaa pas banget gue sukaaa banget hello kitty dan nike dunk terus ada ini! i was really surprised!
ya gue pengen banget banget barang yang ada diatas <3<3
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
the story begins, now..
jadi Jum'at 12 maret 2010 sepulang sekolah gue istirahat sambil sedikit nyicil nyicil uhbt gitu.. terus pas udah jam 17.00, gue ganti baju dan jam 17.15 gue berangkat hip-hop.. oke nothin happens dan pas gue masuk kelas, kelas belom dimulai kan, gue kaya duduk sambil main bla bla gitu haha terus the classs starts. ya kita diajarin sedikit gerakan baru dan ngulangin tarian yang lama aja. terus gue sama melissa ganti baju di ruang ganti baju tentunya. terus gue pulang.. tadinya mau kecitos nyari baju pink buat baday kemping, tapi ngga jadi karena kayanya di cilandak mall ada dan mama capek haha terus pas udah sampe deket fed ex..
m : de, tau ngga tadi dedy heboh
a : hah? kenapa?
m : masa tadi ada orang berenang dirumah. pertama dikira ded raka rara yang berenang eh taunya orang orang yang suka ngambil kelapa itu.
a : hah? demiapa?
gue gga percaya haha lebay-__- kebetulan mai dad lagi gondongan jadi dirumah.. mereka ngga tau kalo ada yang punya rumah HAHA yaa
katanya dedy ngelongok teras kamar terus ada yang berenang, dikira raka rara eh ternyata dia sadar bahwa itu orang tidak dikenal! lalu ia teriak WOI! dan anak anak itu kabur juga membawa kelapa lewat pager seperti saat mereka datang. karena ded sebel ded uber sampe ke tempat mereka kongkow eh mereka pikir mereka sudh bebas! pas lagi mau 'pesta kelapa' ded teriak WOI! lagi lalu mereka semua BERHASIL KABUR -__0 yasudah TIDAK SOPAN BUKAN?
PESAN PENGARANG : jangan masuk rumah orang tanpa ijin apalagi manjat pager(tembok sebenernya) -_- haha gapentings haha
cantik nan elegan -_-- astaghfirullah hahaa
Thursday, March 4, 2010
band practicing noooww
yaaa itu foto ngga penting -____- hhahha okee gitu aja buhbaiii